Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Sound Of Music

Ok, the annual Music Circus has started here in our town. It used to be in the round in a tent. They have built a building now with air conditioning, but it is still in the round. We used to have season tickets and loved going, but it has become to difficult to get a babysitter every Tuesday for 7 weeks in row. So this year we were able to go to one production and it just happened to be The Sound Of Music. My mom likes for the children to go so we took the three oldest kids. They loved it. I think I had something to do with the overwhelming support from the kids. You see, The Sound Of Music was one of the first movies I ever saw as a kid. I remember being so enthralled with it at the movies. As a young adult I purchased it on VHS for myself and have watched it many times. So you can imagine the happiness I felt in my heart when my three oldest children were equally enthralled as I was. I have to say this production of it by the Music Circus was the 3rd time I've seen it there and it was by far the best one. I'm not sure if you are familiar with the production or not, but there is a point when Maria and Capt. Von Trapp kiss and it was at that point when all was very quiet and still in the theatre that Julia decides to say very loudly "Yuck". I would say about three rows of people looked at us and were snickering at Julia. These people were in the same row as us and in front and back of us. I have to say it was pretty funny, and I am proud that she would find that yucky after all she is only five and we don't need a kissing bandit on our hands. My friend Lori babysat the other two at home, and I am grateful to her for her kind act of service to me. We had a nice family time and we even took the kids to the Clarion Hotel for desert before the show started. They loved getting desert in a fancy place. We would be glad to host a Sound of Music movie night if anyone is interested. :)

1 comment:

GFMouse said...

oh I loved that movie. My oldest a few years ago was one of Von Trap girls in a musical play they did, she loved it and so did I! I am holding off for the Lion King musical next June...I am so excited!